Lumify: Big Data Geospatial Visualization

Amidst the hype and publicity of the “big data” fascination is a tool that provides some interesting capabilities, Lumify. Lumify touts itself as, ” a way to aggregate your data, organize it, and extract useful insights. ” While I am not sold on big data as a new event in the it space, Lumify does have some cool feature for exploring and mapping data is a relevant fashion.

The application demonstrates three useful capabilities:

  1. The ability to analyze relationships, automatically discover paths between entities, and establish new links in 2D or 3D,
  2. Overlay data as layers on a map for a geographical view of the data model. Pluggable map providers allow integration of corporate GIS solutions.
  3. Organize work into separate workspaces that can be shared with colleagues. Updates are pushed to everyone viewing the workspace in real-time.

The opening video offers a quick view of the capabilities. Loaded in GitHub, the application can be run online or downloaded and loaded on your system. The application requires either Chrome or FireFox (Internet Explorer is not functional for this application).

You will also need the Git client, the Vagrant IDE, Virtual Box, and a healthy dose of programming experience. But the trouble is worth the effort. Note: the demo instance does not appear to be running!

There are some interesting capabilities that most IC members will recognize from other more expensive applications.



Take some time and explore this capability, it may be useful when you need a tool to play with at home.